Found the solution myself. The problem was with windows 7 permission issue. I opened Toad with run as administrator, privilege and the problem get solved. 4 ETW000 dev trc,00000 –ociinitialize 25 0.009212 4 ETW000 dev trc,00000 Client NLS settings: AMERICANAMERICA.UTF8 21314 0.030526 4 ETW000 dev trc,00000 Logon as OPS$-user to get SAPDEV’s password 62 0.030588. Dear all: When I login TOAD, I got this error: can't initialize oci. Error 1 but login can successfully from my client. I've tried to set the NLSLANG. Your problem may be urgent but we've all got day jobs other than answering questions on this site so you can't expect us to deal with things urgently. Also you've already posted this as a seperate topic, reposting the same details on another thread isn't going to make us more likely to help. I've moved your messages so they're all in the same.
Oracle Call Interface (OCI)
Can't initialize OCI error occured during the login process using TOAD 9.0
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