Could Not Locate Oci Dll Pl Sql Developer 13

When starting Pl/Sql developer you first have to go to the preferences and then the connection part. (menu= tools = preferences). There you have to point Pl/Sql developer to your instant client in a windows way: C: oracle product instantclient102 oci.dll. After doing that, restart Pl/Sql Developer. Then it will load the oci.dll. If you're using the Oracle Instant Client, do not set the environment variable ORACLEHOME. Locate your copy of OCI.DLL. Presumably it is found in C: Oracle instantclient185. Use a Python script something like the following. Plsql Developer连接Oracle时出现Could not initialize oci.dll解决方案 更新时间:2017年03月07日 10:09:26 作者:u014427391 这篇文章主要介绍了Plsql Developer连接Oracle时出现Could not initialize oci.dll解决方案,需要的朋友可以参考下. 一直都在用Oracle SQL Developer,看网上对Oracle SQL Developer和PL/SQL Developer两种工具对比的很热,所以下载了PL/SQL Developer来玩玩。 下载安装完毕,打开登录提示 Could not locate OCI dll ,估计是找不到 OCI. Dll 了,没有登录的进到工具界面,Tools-Preferences ,设置. Still pl/sql developer is not picking up the file. All i want to know is when TNSNAMES.ora and oci.dll are present in C: oracle instantclient11 1.

  1. Could Not Locate Oci Dll Pl Sql Developer 130
  2. Could Not Locate Oci Dll Pl Sql Developer 13 11
  3. Could Not Locate Oci Dll Pl Sql Developer 132


Get the following error message when trying to connect to an Oracle database from PowerBuilder:

'Oracle Library OCI.DLL could not be loaded'



Windows 10 64-bit

Reproducing the Issue

Trying to connect to Oracle from PowerBuilder with the 64-bit Oracle client will cause this error.

OciCould Not Locate Oci Dll Pl Sql Developer 13


Powerbuilder is a 32-bit application and therefore, can only connect to 32-bit database clients.

To verify whether or not the 32-bit Oracle client is being used run the Oracle SQLPlus program. Then open the

Windows Task Manager and go to the Processes tab. Sort it by process name and look for sqlplus.exe. It will

Could Not Locate Oci Dll Pl Sql Developer 130


look like the following if it is running as a 32-bit application:

Could Not Locate Oci Dll Pl Sql Developer 13 11

sqlplus.exe *32

Could Not Locate Oci Dll Pl Sql Developer 132


Install the 32-bit Oracle client to resolve this issue.