ISUSPM.EXE Information This is a valid program but it is not required to run on startup. This program is not required to start automatically as you can run it when you need to. The file size is 69,632 bytes. There is no information about the author of the file. Monitorpad.exe is not a Windows core file. The program starts upon Windows startup (see Registry key: MACHINERun, MACHINEUser Shell Folders). Monitorpad.exe is located in the Windows folder, but it is not a Windows core file. The program is not visible. Iusb3mon.exe is automatically launched at startup through a scheduled task named 4. Startup File (All Users Run) iusb3mon.exe is loaded in the all users (HKLM) registry as a startup file name 'USB3MON' which loads as 'C:Program FilesIntelIntel (R) USB 3.0 eXtensible Host Controller DriverApplicationiusb3mon.exe'.
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